The Honorable Nicholas V. Lampson

is a Board Advisor to Tiger Venture.

Mr. Lampson represented Southeast Texas as an elected public official for over thirty (30) years, the last ten (10) of which were as a Member of the United States House of Representatives. He served on Congressional Committees for Transportation and Infrastructure, Science and Technology, and Agriculture.  Mr. Lampson chaired the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment and was ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.  Mr. Lampson, a former high school and college educator, is now a private consultant and is a Principal in the public relations firm of Outreach Strategists, Inc. in Houston, Texas, and is the Vice President for Operations at Riceland Medical Center in Southeast Texas. Mr. Lampson serves on energy, space, and health related advisory boards for a number of companies including as noted above Tiger Venture.

Other Members and Advisers to the Board of Directors