Mr. Le Huu Hanh

Mr. Le Huu Hanh is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing Member of Tiger Venture. Mr. Hanh’s professional background has provided him with “hands on” experience and skills that have proven critical to developing administrative support for commodities trading and service sector industries with a particular emphasis in telecommunications. During the course of the last thirty (30) years, Mr. Hanh’s extensive participation in a wide range of transactions has given him the ability to successfully guide clients in making informed, cost effective and sound strategic decisions. Mr. Hanh has also has significant expertise in the oil and gas industry sectors, including, extraction of product from shale formations through hydraulic fracturing, as well as, operations that encompassed conventional oil formation operations in Alaska. In each of these instances, it was necessary for these extractive projects to comply with all of the requirements promulgated by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency.

Other Members and Advisers to the Board of Directors